Akira Tong for Christmas Page 9
“Of losing you.” He shook his head barely. “I can’t imagine life without you now. Please. Don’t do this. Don’t leave me. Don’t let them have me. I need you.”
His every word built an immovable resolve in me to meet those needs. To be that woman. I pulled him in for a passionate kiss. “I love you, Aki. I won’t let them have you. You’re mine, I promise,” I whispered against his lips.
His relief filled my mouth, and his fingers strummed through my hair. I finally pulled away and nodded. “We can do this. Like a team. That’s the key. Never forget…we’re a team.” I met his soft gaze with my determined one and nodded. “Pinky swear it.” I held my pinky out, and he regarded it. “Put your pinky out. Come on.” As soon as he did, I hooked our pinkies together and locked them tight. “A team.
Till we win.”
He stared at our joined fingers, then met my gaze, his eyes filled with a curious awe. “A team. Until we win.”
I nodded again, then released him. “Let’s go, then.” I flicked my hand at the windshield.
He turned with a smile and pulled back into traffic.
Chapter Ten
“How do I greet your father?” I murmured through my smile in the terminal.
“Don’t bow. You’re terrible at it.”
“What? I am not.”
“A handshake is fine. And yes, you’re terrible. I’ll have to teach you how.” I snorted. “Who ever heard of bowing, anyway? Does the entirety of Japan think they’re royalty?” He gave that sexy half smile and hit me with his lazy brown gaze. “You were beautiful that day.”
“Oh, right, except for my bows.”
He faced the crowd coming through the doors. “It’s all I can think about. The first time I saw you.
How hard it was to play the pompous heir.”
“Huh.” I couldn’t stop my smile. “Pompous is right. You were a dignified jerk. And kissing ass now isn’t going to fix that.”
“Mmm. Perhaps kissing that beautiful, wet—”
I gasped and jabbed him with my elbow. Then giggled. “After I suck your delicious, hard…” His gaze snapped to me, and I snickered, biting my lower lip.
He finally returned to watching for his family. “God. What you did…no training could prepare me for.” The confession came on a breath of awe.
I beamed proudly, and then my heart stopped when he stiffened.
“There they are.”
I turned, and immediately my eyes landed on the distinguished group headed our way. Five. The only person I saw was the woman. She was a fucking goddess. I finally took in the elder man who, wow, seemed forty. Then the brother. Walking with a God’s-gift-to-all-women strut. The same vagina-throbbing good looks as Akira.
Only not this vagina.
I panicked when I realized he’d never given me names. Oh God.
I followed Akira toward them, hoping three steps behind was a professional distance. I made it through the brief introduction without incident. Except for the kiss his brother Nobu gave to my hand when I went for a shake. I didn’t look at Akira, not wanting to see his expression. And Katsumi. My heart was sick when I saw how much she liked Akira. My God, how would I keep him? She seemed to be in love with him, mixing her singsong Japanese with random statements in perfect English. The one thing that stood out like a tack in my mind was the remember such and such. He knew her. Anger gave me the courage to suffer through the disgusting procession from the airport to the hotel where his father would occupy the presidential suite, and the fiancée and brother would stay in their own prestigious suites.
The second we were alone in his suite, I let him have it. “You know her?” This while I poured me a nice big glass of wine.
“Of course I do. She’s the daughter of one of my father’s business acquaintances. But that doesn’t mean I know her beyond that.”
“Just how well do you know her? She seemed to have a lot of catching up to do with you.” His stormy gaze hardened as he closed the space between us. His arm went around me, and he crushed me to his body, making me gasp and fire ignite inside my center. “Don’t, Sarah,” he whispered, peering into my eyes. “Don’t do this to me.”
His desperate tone turned my anger into passion in a second. I pulled his face to mine, and our desire erupted. He angled his lips, and his tongue slid in, deep and demanding. Our eager fingers pulled at clothes, fighting to get to hot flesh—hard, soft, any and all of it.
“God, that bastard put his lips on you,” he growled, ripping my blouse open and filling both hands with lacy breasts. He lowered his head and sucked the tops of my tits, then fisted his hand in my hair and pulled my head back. He licked the column of my neck, then nibbled along my jaw. “I’m going to fuck you hard and fast this time.” He bit my chin, and I moaned and whimpered at his urgent tone.
Had he been fucking me slow and soft before this? “Do it, Aki.” We tore off the rest of our clothes, and our bodies clashed in a fervor as I wrapped my limbs around him, and he held me up with those hard fingers on my ass, pumping my heat against his hard abs. I moaned and helped grind my pussy on him as he watched, mewling noises filling my throat.
He laid me on my back and knelt between my legs. He wasted no time grabbing hold of my waist and lifting me up on his cock. I watched, my mouth open. And just as he promised, he plunged into me. I cried out, staring into his turbulent, passionate gaze as his fingers dug into my waist and he fucked me. No other word for it. God, he pounded into me, his eyes moving from his cock to my bouncing tits to my face, like all of it added to the ecstasy for him. “Rub your clit for me,” came the growled rasp.
When my fingers began their familiar dance, he gasped and stopped pumping into me, clenching his eyes shut. He opened them again, still struggling for control, again watching me. His gaze roamed my body, always ending on my fingers wiggling between my pussy lips. Something else he couldn’t prepare for, I think. “You look so fucking good doing that, Sarah,” he half groaned.
“Mmm,” I moaned, giving him more by using my other hand to stimulate my nipples. His eyes narrowed, and he hissed at the sight. “Yes, baby, make it feel good. God, you’re so beautiful.” Sounded almost painful.
“Fuck me, Aki.” My gaze locked to his. “Make me come.”
His eyes slowly shut, and he obeyed. He paced his strokes, going slow at first, watching my fingers on my pussy and the way I rolled my nipples. I arched into my fingers, jutting my breasts up. When his thrusts became smacking, I let the tips of my fingers brush my nipples as I rubbed rapid circles over my clit. I gasped, feeling my orgasm coming fast, not wanting to stop it.
“Oh God, Sarah. Yes, rub it. Come for me.”
“I’m coming. I’m coming!”
My orgasm arced through me, straining every limb. Akira returned to his initial pace, frantic, fast, and hard, body hitting against mine. I couldn’t suppress the scream. Akira’s orgasm came at that moment.
His muscles went rigid, his entire body locked in climax. His mouth opened, and he gave that feral growling roar, lips pulled back in a snarl over perfect teeth.
He was born for that orgasm.
“Yes, Aki, yes,” I coaxed, in awe watching his beautiful mouth remain open with astonishment, his thrusts slowing. I raked my nails over his chest. “Mmmm, you look so good when you come in me.” Spent, he opened his eyes, then fell half on me. I snuggled in his possessive embrace, feeling safe and loved and cherished. Feeling like anything and everything was possible. The dark cloud followed right after. The forced marriage. It crept right in and sapped the warm reassurance from the beautiful moment, whispering, You don’t own anything but maybe his heart. His fiancée and his father own the rest of him.
The woman’s perfect face filled my mind, followed by the determined glint in his father’s dark eyes.
How would we get Akira out of this? Without ruining people’s lives? Including my own and my sister’s?
“What’s next, Aki?” I whispered, wishing I could get the emotional comfort that
should have come with having his body glued to my backside.
He took in a deep breath and sighed. “We’re to have dinner at eight o’clock tonight.” His hand stroked over my ribs, then hip, then leg, and back up again. “I was hoping you’d sit this one out.” I tensed. “Why? And why didn’t you tell me this gorgeous woman was in love with you?” He gave a disgusted snort. “Love? She can’t begin to know the concept.”
“Oh, yes, she can. With you she can. Trust me.”
“She’s in love with money and power. Just like my father and her father.”
“That’s not what I saw when I looked at her. The way her eyes followed your every move and lit up when she saw you. It was disgusting.”
“Yes.” The stern agreement came with a comforting rub of his leg against mine.
“I mean, she didn’t even notice me. Guess that’s a good thing.”
“Yes, trust me, it is. And let’s keep it that way. Underneath that fake beauty is a power-hungry-monster whore.”
I wiggled my butt and moaned. “Your brother’s cute.” I smiled a little. His hand stopped caressing, and I giggled. “I’m teasing you, Akira. God. You are the most beautiful man I have ever seen and ever want to see. Mmmmmm. And you taste so good.” I stroked his side and hip, and his cock twitched against my butt. I pressed into the feeling, then turned so that I was on my back, my leg draped over his hip, my arm above my head.
He put his hand between us and sought entrance with the head of his cock. I moved my hips, helping him, and he plunged in deep. The feeling stole my breath, and like a drug, it pushed away all the fears and worries. “God, Aki.” I gripped his hip, ready for so much more.
He fingered my nipple as he pumped in and out slow and deep. His hand slid from my nipple to my clit and rubbed soft circles over it. “Mmm, so firm and wet for me.”
“Yes.” I pushed my hips into that one finger. He got up on his elbow and moved my leg over his shoulder, leaving me very wide open. His full lips parted, and he stared with that agony at his cock going in and out of me. He resumed playing with my clit, his long groan telling me how much he loved it.
“God, you’re beautiful.” The pad of his finger swirled over the hot little bud. He leaned his head and sucked my nipple, making it hard and tall before letting it smack out of his lips. He stared at the result, his cock throbbing inside me. He turned his attention to his pumping shaft, then lowered and flicked his tongue over the tip of my still-aching tit, doing the same with his finger over my clit.
Pleasure heated my entire body. “Aki, so hot. Rub it. Fuck me.” He answered with a hard thrust and masculine grunt, and I rewarded him with a sharp cry, teasing my other nipple till it stood as tall as the first.
His breath came unsteady, and his cock pulsated twice. He turned his face and kissed my calf, then bit it.
Shit, my orgasm was right there. I gave quick thrusts into his finger, feeling my climax lick its way to the surface. “Fuck me!” I pulled at his hip and took over rubbing my clit. “Make me come. Yes, yes. Oh God, now, right now!”
He lifted his hips off the bed and began pounding at that exact moment, grunting and growling, bringing his own orgasm.
I screamed when release finally broke in me, rocking me at my core, at my clit. I clutched the sheet with one hand and clawed his rock-hard biceps in the other, my body writhing and bucking.
Akira came then. His pace quickened, and my cries burst forth with every glorious smack. He gave one roar and thrust with his peak, his head falling back, lips drawn over bared teeth, and all his muscles taut with the pleasure.
I put my hand on his face, his lips, dipping my finger into his mouth a little. He moaned and licked it, then sucked it in rhythm with the remnant waves now subsiding.
A few seconds into the aftermath, I winced. “Oh, my leg.”
“Sorry,” he gasped, eyes still closed as he carefully moved it off his shoulder.
“I should stretch before sex with you.” I moaned at the release of my limb.
“Yes.” He panted, collapsing halfway on my body. “Yes, you should.” I smiled, sliding away the lock of hair in his face. “You’re so beautiful, Aki,” I whispered, caressing his cheek.
“I feel beautiful.” The breathless words came with nibbling lips on my collarbone. He chuckled once. Then twice.
He lifted his head and gazed down at me. “Aki! Aki!” he mimicked me.
I gasped and slapped his chest. “Stop it!”
He fell on his back and erupted in sexy, deep laughter. I got up and stared at him with narrowed gaze.
“Why is that so funny?”
“Because,” he began between breaths. “Aki is a girl’s name.” He broke out in hysterical laughter, pulling me on top of him. It was hard to be offended with the amazing feel and sound of his joy this close-up.
“Well, what the hell? What am I supposed to call you for short?” He snickered into my shoulder. “Akira is too long?”
I chewed my lip, refusing to join him, tempting as it was. “I just like nicknames. What the hell is short for Akira? Ak?” I said it like a gag, and Akira lost it, hugging me tight to him. I finally gave in to laughing with him.
Through tears, he finally managed, “You can surely call me anything you want during sex. I honestly don’t care.”
I giggled. “Even Ak?” I gagged.
He lost it again until I was laughing too. “Okay,” he said. “Except that.” He kissed me all over my face. “That would definitely screw with my groove.”
I giggled and pressed my leg between both of his. “Wouldn’t want that.” Akira’s phone rang, and he groaned. Dragging himself off the bed, he glanced at the number and growled. “Father.” He took a deep breath and answered. “Yes.” He turned and presented me with his gorgeous backside and spoke Japanese. I smiled at the sound. Amazing. Gosh, he was so smart to know two languages so perfectly like that. Uh-oh, he sounded mad. “Fine, see you then.” He shook his head and tossed the phone on the floor. He turned, and I took in the front view, having a hard time caring about a damned thing but how devilishly and painfully sexy he was. I bit my lower lip, then met his gaze with raised brows. “Surely it’s not that bad.”
“He wants you to come to dinner.”
I jerked up. “Why?”
“Two birds with one stone, of course. Not only do you know the city, but you’re an American woman and therefore a prime source of inside information into the American female psyche of fashion.” I sucked in a panicked breath. I knew none of that. “Aki?”
“It’s fine. You’ll be fine.”
I shook my head. “No, no, I won’t.”
He climbed on the bed and lay next to me. “Yes, you will.”
“I have to confess something.”
His brows narrowed, and my heart raced.
“Remember…when I asked about if your brother, uh…helped a friend who was sick? With his work?”
He slid his forefinger along my cheek. “I already know.”
“Know what?”
“What you’re doing for your sister.” He placed those lips exactly over my nipple and suckled it.
I struggled to think past the pleasure and shock of him knowing. “How?”
“Mmm.” His tongue swirled around the tall bud. “You’re hypothetical scenario about the brothers wasn’t exactly subtle. Plus I overheard part of your conversation in the bathroom with her.” My mouth opened, but I couldn’t decide what to feel. Seemed like I should be angry, but that wasn’t working. Especially with him laving my nipple till it tingled in my clit. “How…much did you hear?”
“Enough.” He flicked the tip. “Enough to know how amazing you are. How much you hated lying to me.” He raised his head with a sexy grin. “How you thought my feet were beautiful, and that I hated you, even naked.”
I choked on my shock. “Aki!”
He grinned until those chocolate eyes danced. “I can’t tell you how happy that made me, by the way.” Any ill feeli
ngs or shame I tried to feel melted with that. I let my fingertips slide over his jaw. “I’m so sorry I lied to you.”
He leaned and went back to nibbling my nipple. “Mmm, I know you are.” My breaths increased with his sexual persistence. “I don’t really know anything about the city. Or fashion.”
“You’re very damn convincing. I’ll help.”
A tiny moan escaped me, and I forced out the words. “And fashion? What the hell do I know about that?”
“You dress fine. Just your honest opinion as a woman is all he wants.”
“I didn’t pick my clothes! This was all selected for me. I’m a country girl. I usually wear jeans and T-shirts.”
He opened his mouth wide, and my whole nipple disappeared inside delicious warmth. “Mmm.” His jaw worked as he sucked for several seconds, like eating my tit was the only damned thing important to him. It popped out of his mouth. “You look amazing in jeans.” Panic built despite his confidence and because of his nonchalance about it all.
“You’ll be fine. Don’t worry. We’ll wing it.”
I squealed my severe doubt about that.
“You’ve been doing it pretty well all this time. How bad could you possibly do?” I sucked in a breath at his words. They were a premonition of failure for sure.
Chapter Eleven
“How do I look?” I asked on our way out.
He locked me in his gaze. “Beautiful.”
I sighed. “I mean to other people. Are you sure this dress is enough? Or too much? I mean it’s red.
Doesn’t that, like, convey slut?”
He smiled. “Japanese love red, every shade.”
“Does my lipstick match it?”
“If I look at your lips one more time, you won’t have any lipstick left when I’m done.” I grinned and resisted the heat snaking in my belly. “And my hair?” I bit my lower lip.
“Sarah, I swear, stop being so irresistible. I beg you. Now come on, my father hates lateness.”
“Oh, then hurry!” I shooed him forward, but he merely held the door for me. I passed through and squealed when he spanked my butt, hardly able to wait to get him to myself after dinner.