Akira Tong for Christmas Page 10
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The restaurant was so damned fancy. My guts knotted as I followed Akira at a respectable distance to the private room where his father, brother, and supposed fiancée were all sitting and chatting and sipping.
His brother was the first to spot us and immediately got up for a greeting. But it was as though he had eyes only for me. He presented his killer smile before kissing my hand. I resisted the urge to pull away, not wanting another man’s lips ever touching me. I smiled pleasantly at the father and fiancée, being sure to add a slight bow. Okay, several, like a dreadful stutter.
Akira pulled out a chair for me that would put me on his left between him and his father, and Nobu pulled out the chair on his right that would put me between Akira and him. Uhh. I glanced at the two chairs, and the father gestured I should sit between the brothers. I nodded, smiled, and bowed, partly relieved, partly terrified. Good Lord, help me.
I sat, smiled some more, and nodded at Nobu while straining not to look at Akira, sure I’d give my feelings for him away.
“You’re absolutely gorgeous in red. You could be Marilyn Monroe’s daughter. I’m not kidding.” Nobu sounded entirely genuine, even amazed.
I fought not to snort. “Goodness, thank you. I’ve never been told that one before.” Desperate to get the spotlight off me, I turned to the girl sitting so elegantly across the table, hair half up, exposing her absolutely perfect face—I mean not an imperfect angle on her. “Hardly a Miss Universe. Tell me, what does it feel like being the most beautiful woman on the entire planet?” I said, not having to force my enthusiasm. Flattery was my strong point. I loved making people feel good, and I hated being the center of attention. But I also hated putting that attention on Akira’s supposed fiancée.
“Ah, yes, she is a rare beauty, isn’t she, Akira?” Nobu leaned to peer at Akira.
“Absolutely.” His warm answer sent a stab of jealousy through me. Ugh.
At his one word, said goddess lifted long lashes—fake?—and stared at Akira, shiny red lips tilted provocatively at the edges. She truly was gorgeous. I couldn’t stop watching her in her spaghetti-strapped, glittering white gown. She was an angel. Breathtaking. And staring at Akira.
“Have you ordered?” Akira asked his father.
“Yes. I expect the meal here very soon. Tell me, Akira, what you have learned about New York?
Are you finding our research accurate?”
“Yes, Father, this is the heart of America. The business is sure to succeed with New York its central location.” Akira’s answer was so monotone.
“I cannot wait to live here,” Kat said to Akira.
“I think I might live here as well,” Nobu said.
I glanced at him and found his seductive stare leveled on me, thick with sexual intentions. I cleared my throat. “It is a wonderful city, thriving with opportunity.” I reached for my water and sipped.
“You live here?” Kat asked.
“Oh, actually, no. I work all over America, but New York is one of my favorite places.”
“Where do you like to be when you’re not working?” Nobu asked.
“Well, South. I live in the South. Much warmer there. Hot, actually.”
“What part of the South?” Kat asked.
Shit, how much did these people know of America? “Mississippi. Biloxi, Mississippi.”
“I hear the beaches are decent there.” This from Nobu.
“Oh, nothing like the neighboring beaches of Florida. Beautiful there. You must take some time while here to visit. Warm your bones a little.”
Nobu gave a husky chuckle. “Mmm, I could sure stand to warm my bones. I’ve had enough cold for the year already.”
The food arrived finally, and the waiter unloaded a feast for twenty onto the table. Smelled delicious.
I studied everybody in my periphery. Kat, the father, Akira all sat like noble human statues. Nobu squeezed lemon in his water before suggesting, “I was hoping we could all enjoy the suite’s private hot tub after dinner. What do you say, Father? Kat? Akira?” He looked at me last. “Sarah?” His tone softened.
I swallowed. God, not another hot tub event. “Oh. I, uh…”
“Yes,” the father said. “We can discuss fashion trends across America. Miss Shelby will have inside information for us.”
Decision made. Okay. “Yes, of course.” I chanced a glance at Akira and caught a tic in his jaw.
Didn’t think he’d be too happy about that.
“Good. I’ve been wanting to try out my new swimwear,” Kat purred.
Oh, boy. Nice. Real nice.
“She’s lovely in everything,” Nobu said.
The father agreed with grunts and nods. Kat watched Akira, and I stole a glance at him as well.
“Yes.” His eyes bored into the center of the table. “Are we ready to eat?”
“I’m starving,” I said. “The food smells amazing. I have to admit, I don’t get authentic Japanese food nearly as much as I’d like.” I peeked at Kat. Uh-oh, she didn’t seem too happy.
“I’ll have to cook for you,” Nobu said.
Akira gave a light snort.
“What!” Nobu peered around me. He chuckled and turned his heavy stare back to me. “My big brother is jealous that I always scored higher in our cooking classes.” I smiled. “I think it’s wonderful that you guys took cooking classes. Really. American men could learn some things from you two.” I nodded.
The father grunted his agreement with pride.
“I think Akira is the better cook,” Kat sang. “He makes the best tonkatsu and miso soup.” Nobu argued, “Kat, your opinion doesn’t count. You’ve been biased since the day you met Akira.” She blushed and lowered her eyes prettily. Nauseating.
The waiter was at my chair now, setting five plates before me, all artistically filled to perfection with delicious food. My mouth watered. Until I got a good look at one of the small plates. Bleached brains tucked in greenery?
Waters were replaced with something that resembled wine. I nodded and thanked the waiter, hoping that was okay since nobody else seemed to think it necessary.
Everybody spoke Japanese, nodded, then picked up their chopsticks. I regarded mine. They’d provided forks, but I kind of knew how to use chopsticks. Dare I chance it? I already felt like a sore thumb, and to be the only one eating with a fork… I lifted the chopsticks, stealing glances at what Akira did, following suit. I had no clue what half the stuff on my plate was, but that was the least of my concerns. Except for that one dish.
Just get through the damned dinner without spilling. I picked at things on my plate that were easy to eat with chopsticks. I’d simply be full before having to manage the rice. I took a hefty bite of what looked like salad with green sauce over the top. Five chews in and my mouth erupted in flames. “Oh,” I whispered, trying to chew faster to get it down, but the more I chewed, the hotter it got. “Oh,” more loudly. I reached for my wine and chased it down. But it was like gas to the flames. “Goodness,” I choked, eyes watering as I drank more.
“That’s wasabi leaves and wasabi dressing,” Nobu said, like didn’t you know? “Akira, you should have told her it was hot if she didn’t know.”
I chanced a glance at Akira, fanning my face and nodding, trying to say I knew, but I’d not seen wasabi in leaf form before. Akira barked some words in Japanese to the waiter, and he hurried over with a glass of water. I guzzled half of it.
“Bring milk,” Nobu ordered the distressed waiter.
I finally gasped and coughed a few more times. “I am so sorry.” The words rasped like a dying man’s. “I didn’t know about the wasabi leaves.” Shit, my eyes were watering. Was my makeup running as well? Oh my God, so stupid. I took a napkin and dabbed carefully at my face, grateful I hadn’t put on foundation. Better not be black on the napkin. I’d made sure to use the waterproof mascara after what had happened the last time. Then it hit me. I was tipsy. I’d guzzled that damned wine. Just what I needed, to trip on my feet on the wa
y out.
The father chuckled. Then laughed full out. Kat giggled too, and then Nobu. I smiled, trying not to feel like the butt of a joke. Akira remained quiet.
“You must try the shirako,” Kat cooed, smiling at me.
She pointed to the one dish I’d vowed to avoid.
I regarded it. “Hoo, I’m nearing full with all that drink.”
She took a bite of hers and mmmed over it. The father said some things in Japanese to her, nodding and smiling as if she were some food-divining goddess.
I cleared the remnants of my last disaster from my throat. “I’m sure I can fit one bite.” Akira’s foot kicked my ankle, and I glanced at him. His brows were narrowed. Was it hot too? She didn’t act like it was hot. Or disgusting.
“One has to acquire a taste for shirako.” Akira said this as he went back to eating.
If taste was all that was wrong with it, I could manage. And would. I attempted to tweeze one of the white pieces only to find it was slippery and not joined as I’d thought. More like overstuffed white maggots nestled neatly in leaves. I made my sticks like a spatula and focused on keeping my upper lip down and shoveled a modest blob of the stuff onto the tip. Six inches into the journey from plate to mouth, it plopped on the table. I squeaked. “Shucks.” I tried again, this time making it to my mouth. The second it hit my tongue, I almost gagged at the feel. It was nearly tasteless till I chewed. Those slimy worms burst in my mouth and filled it with an odd fishy flavor in toe-cheesy butter. I chewed faster, making constant humming noises, trying to think of a happy place.
Kat giggled. “Male fish sacs full of sperm are a delicacy in Japan.” My body locked up, and I slammed a hand on Akira’s arm just as my stomach and throat went in reverse. Oh God. I got up from the table, searching for someplace to spit. Akira was at my side with a bowl, and I spit the delicacy out. “Ugh!” I spit several times. Fish sacs! Another wave of nausea hit, and I strained out a long, loud retch, trying not to puke.
Nobu appeared with my wineglass. “Chase the taste away.”
I took it with a trembling hand and swallowed hard, forgetting what the hell I was drinking. But I remembered when I’d drained the glass and warmth oozed through my body. Uh-oh. “Thank you, much better, thank you. I am so, so sorry.” I nodded at Akira, patting his shoulder.
He led me back to the table. “You’ve had enough wine. Bring her some water.”
“Not a drinker, I see,” the father said. “This is a good thing.” I shook my head, then got dizzy. “Not a drinker, no. That I’m not. Oh!” I jerked my gaze away from that dish of sperm still next to my plate, and Nobu chuckled as he moved it away.
I fanned my face. “No offense, female fish eggs I can handle, but fish sac…” A tremor shook my body at the memory.
“Maybe some dessert.” Akira placed a dish of glazed strawberries and cake on my left.
“Yes!” I shook my silverware out of the napkin, all grace and poise shot to hell. The utensils clattered loudly onto the table as I got the fork and filled my dirty mouth with the delicious sweet.
“Mmmm, yes.” I nodded, eyes closed. “Yes, much better, mmmm.” The remainder of the meal went without incident, but several times I caught Kat giving me the stink eye. Great. Probably thought I was such a baby. Stealing all the attention. But when it came time to leave, she surprised me. “Sarah and I will go dress for the hot tub. I have extra swimwear she can use.”
“Oh.” I smiled, relieved and worried, not entirely sure what was at the bottom of her kindness yet.
“That sounds…lovely. Of course.”
Chapter Twelve
Akira brooded as we parted ways, especially after Nobu insisted on escorting me by the arm to the departing point. In Kat’s suite, my unease grew. There was just something about her swagger once we entered the lavish room of white and gold. Cocky, almost.
“Follow me.” She kicked off her heels as she entered her bedroom. Then began to strip down. In seconds, she’d shamelessly shed every garment of clothing and paraded stark naked, showing her perfect curves. Were those breasts real? My God, they were perfectly round and…and perfect. She looked at me, and I barely glanced away before being caught staring. “You like girls?” Okay, caught. “I’m sorry, what do you mean?”
She walked toward me, smiling. “You know…” She stopped just before me, maybe an inch shorter than me, staring into my eyes. She grabbed my hand and slid the backs of my fingers over her hard nipple.
I yanked it away. “No. I don’t. You’re beautiful, but I like men.” I blinked rapidly at her, wanting her to back up.
She held my gaze, thinking, searching, plotting? What was up with her? “Nobu is very sexy, yes?”
“Yes,” I said.
“Of course Akira is much more sexy.” She smiled at me. “He has a very large cock too.” Anger first, then fear, and finally jealousy twisted my gut. “Oh, that’s nice. You have a bathing suit for me?”
Her eyes brightened, and she transformed into an innocent sweetheart. “I have just the one for you.” She pulled out two identical bikinis and dangled them before me. “Two for the price of one?” She giggled. “We will be like twins. Nobu will love you in this, I think.” I held up the strings of material with inch-wide sections that I guessed were supposed to cover my vagina and nipples. Absolutely not. “I’m sorry. This isn’t suitable for such a meeting.”
“Of course it is. Very customary,” she insisted in a singsong voice.
I shook my head. “Not for me. It’s not customary for me. I have swimwear in my room. I’ll just go get it.”
“No, no, no,” she cooed. “How about this?” She waved a red one-piece, and I sighed in relief and nodded. “Yes, that will do.”
I changed in the bathroom after much insisting. The woman was nuts wanting me to get nude with her.
What angle was she working here? Whatever it was, it wasn’t anything good.
I stumbled—still half-drunk—with Kat to the suite where the torture tub awaited with two Asian male gods and their father. That bitch. Talked me into a drink before we left. I was so loaded off my ass!
She was definitely out to make a fool out of me. Well. I had news for her. I was nobody’s fool. Except Anna’s. And Akira’s. And…maybe his father’s. But that was it.
“Ah, there they are. I was about to go rescue you from Kat,” Nobu said, grinning from inside the…
way-too-small hot tub! We’d be touching in that confined space. And by the dark glower on Akira’s face, he’d already figured that out.
Nobu reached up to help Kat—who made quite the show of disrobing—down into the tub next to Akira. He held a hand out to me next, and nothing I told myself could make me remove the thin wrap hiding my body from that leering letch grinning at me. I walked over and set down the borrowed black bag that held my clothes. Reluctantly I accepted his hand and stepped in.
“What about your wrap?” he asked, clearly perplexed.
I sat in the water and smiled. “It’s an American custom to leave it on.” Kat laughed outright. “I’ve never heard of such a custom.” Her tone sang firm, clearly implying I was lying.
With the alcohol and the heat of the tub, my logic failed me. As well as my guard. “Down in Mississippi, a woman’s body is considered property. Owned by her parents until sold to the highest bidder.”
She giggled. “No buyers for you yet, Sarah?”
I sighed and forced myself to appear relaxed. “Momma says there ain’t enough money in all the world to buy me. Silly woman. Thinks I’m priceless.” I met Kat’s innocent smirk that turned hard when she looked at Akira. I glanced to see what had her so pissed. Hmm. Might have been the grin he did a poor job at hiding.
Nobu didn’t hide his, nor did he hide his tickled laughter. He leaned and kissed my cheek and pushed me toward the father. In my effort to resist, my hand went below the water to hold on. “Oookay.” I jerked my hand back out of the water at touching Nobu’s…penis!
bsp; I glanced at the father, then at Akira, whose mouth was hard. He returned my gaze with a quirked brow and a yeah, they’re naked news flash.
Oh. My. God. My eyes widened, and I lowered them to Akira’s chest. Then lower. I finally met his you-should-know-me-better-than-that look.
Relief flooded me. Of course he wouldn’t get naked.
“So tell us, Miss Shelby, what our research cannot about American women’s fashion,” the father said in his grumbly voice.
I focused on the upper walls of the suite. “I think that every city is different.”
“Different?” Nobu sounded entertained.
“Yes.” I thought about the question and what I actually knew. Only that every big city had its trends and they all eventually found their way down to the smaller ones. “I suppose New York would be considered the…city where fashion is born, and eventually it trickles down into the smaller cities. At least some of the main themes. Maybe not all. From…handbags and accessories to clothing and shoes.” I cleared my throat and chanced a peek at Akira, who appeared pleasantly surprised.
“Very interesting,” the father said.
I wasn’t sure if this was really news to them.
“How long do you suppose it takes for the trends of the great and mighty New York City to catch on in the Netherlands?” Nobu’s question accompanied the drape of his arm on the tub behind me.
I leaned forward just a little, not wanting the man touching me, wishing this would end soon. “Not sure, really. But I would imagine one could easily track it by sales.” Nobu leaned closer, bringing his mouth to my ear, not deterred by my lack of participation with his advances. “Would you care to join me in my suite for a drink? Let Akira and Kat have some time alone?” It took everything I had not to lift my shoulder and cringe. I turned to Akira, who tensed visibly while looking Nobu in the eyes. “I appreciate the offer, but I’ll pass. In fact”—I glanced around—“I need to call my mother. She expects to hear from me every evening. Dinner was lovely, but if you don’t mind, I’m going to retire.”
“I’ll walk you,” Nobu said.
I protested, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer and stood in all his naked glory. I focused on my exit from the tub, not missing that Kat scooted closer to Akira. Not missing how she pressed her breast into his arm. I swallowed my anger. “Akira, as soon as you…are done here,” I said without turning. “I have the information you requested of me earlier.”