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Johnny Blue Page 8

I cried out and reached for his ass, holding him to me tight, letting him know I wanted the same thing, wanted him to bury himself in me, fill me with his essence and life, make me his forever.

  “Aw fuck,” he gasped, pulling out of me.

  My heart plummeted. I watched him hurry to the counter and pick up a phone. Had it rang?

  “Sam.” He turned his back to me and leaned on the island. “I was. I have company.” Pause. “Now?” A hand raked through shiny ebony, making his delicious back muscles flutter. “No, I’ll go meet him, tell him not to come here. Because I have company.” Annoyed reminder. “That’s nobody’s business. Look, tell him I’ll be there in thirty minutes. What? Well stop him, I don’t want him here. What?”

  A soft blong sounded in the air.

  “Shit, never mind, he’s here.” Johnny hung up and hurried to me. “That’s my boss. I’ll get rid of him, just…go to my room and you can grab a shower, I’ll meet you in five minutes?” The blong sounded again and he pulled me close and kissed me thoroughly. “Go,” he whispered. “If he sees you, he’ll want to stay all night and flirt.”

  “Where’s your room?”

  He pointed to a doorway. “Everything you need is there.” Another quick kiss, tongue and all.

  “Mm,” I whimpered.

  “Yes,” he answered, pecking my lips several times. “And much more.”

  I hurried to his room and shut and locked the door then tip toed to the bathroom. Wow. I finally had a chance to contemplate what was happening. Such a foreign world here, and the man I once thought was a peddler was far from it. More like rich. But how and why? Parents? Painting?

  My hands trembled as I locked the bathroom door and glanced around at the same streamlined surrounding. Hmm. Except in here…there was no blue. But reds. That was different. Which explained him perfectly.

  I took a quick shower and donned a black silk robe. Mmm. Smelled like him! God he was delicious. My mouth watered as an oral fantasy ensued. I had his muscular legs spread wide before me, bobbing and moaning on his oh so thick shaft when sharp voices broke the fantasy.

  I opened the bathroom door and listened. My heart jerked at hearing a female voice. I crept toward the bedroom door, clutching the robe tightly shut, listening.

  “So that’s it? Five years and that’s it? It’s just over?”

  My stomach churned.

  “And where is your ring? Why aren’t you wearing it?”

  I strained to hear his hissed answer. Fury with no meaning was all I got. And nausea.

  I spun around and placed my back on the door, making it rattle in the frame. I froze. My heart thundered in the sudden silence. Oh God. What was going on? Please don’t let Johnny…

  I didn’t have time to finish my thought. “Don’t go in there, Charise.”

  The door handle rattled and she gasped. “You bastard.” A sharp knock vibrated the door.

  What to do? I wouldn’t hide. I unlocked it and opened it to a beautiful blonde, with endless legs, standing there with her perfect, shiny pink lips wide open.

  “Charise, this is Jewel.”

  I looked at Jonnny, waiting for some type of identifier to go with that. Girlfriend, friend, lover? Stupid- country-naïve-idiot?

  The woman’s eyes raked over me then her head snapped to Johnny. “So this is what you went away to do? To slut around? This is your so called ‘get my head together’?” She stretched a slender arm toward me with perfectly manicured nails. She was like a real life Barbie and I was one hell of a fool, standing there, realizing nothing—nothing—was what it seemed. I swallowed down the urge to cry and vomit in one breath.


  That was all I could think.

  Like you ever deserved any better than heart ache you bitch. You deserve worse.

  “Tell her Johnny. Tell her who I am.” She jerked her head toward me. “I’m his fiancé. Bet he forgot to mention that little bit, didn’t he?”

  “Were my fiancé. When I left, it was over, you knew that, now leave. It’s been over for two years, and it’s still over.”

  She gasped. “That’s not what you said the last time we shared a bed.”

  “I was drunk.”

  She laughed once. “Wow.” She jerked back to me, those bright green eyes punching me in the chest. She gave a half smirk. “For a drunk, he sure knew how to suck my pussy until I screamed his name.”

  My jaw hardened as the acid boiled in my stomach and the pain stole my breath. I focused my gaze on the door jamb, just wanting her to leave, wanting to disappear. Wanting him to leave, wanting to be gone forever, no, wanting to die.

  “Leave Charise.” Johnny’s voice was low. Sad? For what? Cause I found out, no doubt.

  She stormed off, her perfect gold heels clicking on the glassy onyx floor. “This isn’t over Johnny.”

  Him and I both didn’t move. Not until the door shut behind her.


  I spun away from the tone in his voice. Soft, begging. Smooth talking devil. I walked blindly to the giant king sized bed and sat, head barely shaking, numb.


  That was…just like married.

  His feet suddenly filled my vision that I’d locked on thick white carpet. “Jewel, we’re not engaged, I broke it off with her two years ago.”

  I looked up at him. He lowered on his knees before me so that we were nearly eye level. “When?”

  “Two years ago,” he repeated.

  “No, when did…did you do…what she said?” I tried hard to breathe around the stake in my chest.

  “That was last Halloween baby.” His voice was velvety. “At a masquerade party. My sister got me drunk and I didn’t know it was her, she wore a mask the entire time, I didn’t know. I did it to officially prove to her it was ended.”

  I shook my head slowly at him. I could hardly believe my ears. “Is that how you end things? Oral sex with another woman?”

  “No, it’s not how I am, please don’t think that.”

  I closed my eyes, resisting the images of his mouth on another woman. That was silly, I knew he wasn’t a virgin.

  “She’s obsessed. We were engaged, she fucked around on me, I couldn’t forgive her, but she’s been trying to seduce me into it ever since.”

  My gaze snapped to his. “She…she screwed around on you?”

  He lowered his head. But before he did, that mysterious pain I’d seen in the depth of his blue eyes many times, flashed. He’d been hurt. He’d…loved her?

  A wave of sickness assaulted me at the idea of him loving another woman. Oh goddamn you stupid girl, get a grip. There ain’t nothing wrong with him loving. Nothing. That’s normal.

  But…did he still? And dare I ask? He met my gaze and the pain was there. Intense and bare to me. It stole my breath and melted my anger. “Johnny,” was all I could manage, choked and whispered, longing to make his pain go away.

  He placed a hand on either side of my head and searched my eyes. A few seconds and he seemed to find what he looked for and it brought his lips crashing on mine with eager fervency. Relief trembled on his breath while hunger and fear filled his fingers, firm along my neck, sliding over my shoulders, seeking the flesh beneath the silk.

  My own trembling didn’t much help to remove the robe, to give him everything he needed. An aching groan accompanied his heavy breaths when his hands filled with my breasts. I arched into his touch with a whimper as his thumbs stroked across the erect nipples, holding his face, anxious to be the woman he saw in me. I’d never been needed this way, desired, wanted. And I’d never felt more fulfilled with such feelings in my life. His need fulfilled me, gave me purpose, and that purpose lit me on fire with passion. A passion to live. Not die.

  Our gasps became frantic with the need to touch and feel. We collapsed onto the bed, tasting, licking, biting. Our passion shot through the roof and a second later, his cock began slamming into me. He gripped my shoulders and sucked my neck hard. With every vigorous thrust, his name rode on my devas
tated cries as I held on to my heart and soul feeling like they might burst free. His orgasm came fast. He roared and gasped it into my shoulder, the sound so wonderful right in my ear. I wrapped my legs around him, fully aware that he’d not pulled out. Again.

  When he was done, he dove on my mouth, winded. He remained inside me until his kisses slowly turned to that I love you tender that melted me to the core. Melted my stupid logic until there I was, imagining me, him, and a brood of children, frolicking near our country home on the prairie.

  Lord, help me.

  Chapter Ten

  Johnny couldn’t stop kissing me as he headed out the door. “No more than an hour. I promise. Be ready for me.” His tongue surged into my mouth, explaining what I should get ready for. I whimpered my acknowledgement. “Damn I love when you make that noise.”

  I pushed him and laughed. “Go. Hurry back.” I shut the door despite his attempts at one more kiss, giggling. “I’ll cook you something.” This when the door was shut.

  “I’ll eat you.”

  I laughed and leaned my back against the door, joy pumping through my veins and bringing an ear to ear grin. God, I loved that man.

  I flew to the kitchen, wanting to have something cooked for him. Show him what he would have if he kept me. God, I hoped he kept me. I threw open the fridge and shoved the old feelings away that growled how I didn’t deserve this joy. I’d never guessed anything could overcome that monster, but oh, it did—he did. And like a rabid dog, I wasn’t—couldn’t turn him loose. It was like I’d always dreamed of having him and forgotten all about it. Until he was there. Then everything inside me remembered and said, this is the thing you’ve been wanting and needing all your life. This man right here.


  I spun around with a shriek, ready to clobber Johnny, but it wasn’t him. It was a tall dark and handsome guy that looked a lot like him. Minus the blue eyes. His were brown. Brother? “You must be the new help?”

  “Uh, no, I’m, I’m just a friend.” I turned the fire off the pot on the stove. “And you are?” I fought for casual, but it was hard, seeing as the man just walked right in without knocking and looked at me like an item on a dessert menu. And he was ready to order.

  “You a friend of Johnny’s?” I opened the fridge. “Would you care for a drink? Maybe a water, don’t see much else.” I turned and gasped at finding him only a foot away. Okay. Not good. “I’m Johnny’s girlfriend, to be specific.” I swallowed, hoping he got the message. I shut the fridge and froze when he blocked me with both hands on either side of me.

  “Girlfriend? Johnny doesn’t have a girlfriend. He has a fiancé. And I know…” he angled his head and raked his gaze over the black silk robe. “You’re not her.”

  Breathe. Don’t panic. He’s just a man. Not a monster. Not my ex. “Well if you know so much mister, then you know he’s no longer engaged. Now move out of my way, I don’t like being crowded.”

  He shoved his body against mine until I groaned under the pressure. I pushed against his arms. He was solid. I panicked and brought up my knee. He twisted his lower body. “Ah ah,” he scolded, his breath eager in my face. “Not nice.”

  “Please, stop. Johnny’s coming back any second.”

  Iron fingers clamped my jaw and he smashed his lips on mine. All I could think was why? Why is he doing this? Who is he?

  A bang startled him and he spun.

  Oh God. “Johnny!” I flew to him, adjusting the robe with trembling hands.

  He tore his eyes from the man and stabbed me with ice blue orbs. It was like hitting a brick wall.

  “You fucking bitch,” he whispered.

  I gasped, feeling like I’d gotten punched in the stomach.

  He jerked his face to the man and pointed. “I’m so fucking done with you. You are not my brother, you are not my fucking brother you son-of-a-bitch, you take everything I care about!” His voice roared with devastation then he stormed out.

  He didn’t even look at me.

  I turned to the man, terrified, realizing I was alone with him. He sauntered toward me with a smirk, then passed me by and walked right on out. Job done.

  I stood there numb and shaking, a million voices screaming in my mind. He thought I was guilty. He thought I wanted that. His brother. His brother did this before…with his fiancé! The realization stole my strength and I hurried to the counter to hold on.

  What would I do?

  The door burst open again and I spun. A gray haired man, tall and lean. “What on earth is going on in here?”

  I clutched the robe tight to my chest, tears causing him to blur in my vision. “I—I don’t know.”

  His face transformed with sympathy and he shut the door and hurried toward me. “Was Johnny’s brother here? I saw him on the way up. Right after I saw Johnny. He was furious. Tell me what happened.”

  A sob burst out and I let him lead me slowly to the beautiful dining table that I’d just fifteen minutes ago imagined our little family at.

  “Alright dear, you’re okay, it’s fine, we’ll work this all out.” His tone cooed.

  “I-I-I was cooking for Johnny and this man came in and I’ve never seen him before and he-he tried to force himself on me and Johnny came in and he thought, he thought I wanted that!” I grabbed the man’s forearms, my desperation gushing. “I love Johnny sir, I love him, I would never do that, I would never do that to him, I love him.” My voice strangled on the words as my throat closed.

  “Alright dear, I believe you, now don’t worry, I’ll talk to Johnny. It’ll be okay, he’s just sensitive when it comes to his brother after what the little devil did to him with his fiancé.” His words turned acidic as he rushed to the counter and poured me a small shot of whisky and hurried it to me.

  With shaking hands I took it and downed it, trying to push back the growing panic building inside. Panic over how I felt. Like everything I stood on was crumbling out from under me and I would lose it. Lose everything, including my suddenly very fragile mind.

  I needed to call my therapist.

  “Look…” he glanced at his watch, “In two hours Johnny is going to be at Sotheby’s for an art exhibition. I know one thing at this point. And that is, Johnny loves you. Or else he would not be this upset. Now, he planned to take you with him tonight, I already discussed it with him earlier.”

  “What? But…I don’t have nothin to wear, he didn’t tell me to pack for—”

  “I know, I know,” he soothed, pouring me another bit into the shot glass. “It was a surprise. Everything is arranged, down to the gown you are to wear. Don’t worry about it, I will make a call and have you fixed up within the hour. I will arrange for your limo and escort, you will be fine, you’ll see, and Johnny will be too, once I talk to him and explain everything.”

  My breaths slowed a bit at his confident tone.

  “That’s it,” he patted my hand, encouragingly.

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m Johnny’s personal assistant. And only true friend, I’m afraid.”

  I shook my head, confused. “What—exactly is…what does Johnny actually do? I mean, I thought he was a painter, but…I don’t know anymore, seems so odd everything.”

  His brow softened. “You don’t know?”

  “Know what?”

  “My dear. Johnny hates the fame, I’m not surprised he hid it from you. The man is very talented and his works are highly sought after the world over. He’s somewhat of a legend in his artistic field and rich out of his young mind. But that’s not what he’s about inside.”

  My mouth fell open in shock. “What—what is he about?”

  He raked a hand in his hair, making it stick up. “Johnny is…well he just wants normalcy, really. But he’s been searching for himself for years.” The man poured another drink and downed it this time. He set it carefully down, studying the glass before looking at me with tender brown eyes. “I’m never sure what he’s looking for. But it’s there in his eyes, the looking and searching.
Ever since his father died, he’s not been the same. Wished I knew what it was, not even he seems to know. Ah damn. I need to get a move on. You okay now?”

  I nodded, feeling a whole lot better.

  “Well, let me make a few calls sweet heart and we’ll have this patched up, you’ll see.” He chucked my chin with a finger and I couldn’t resist a smile. The man was like the father I never had and craved.

  “Thank you. For all that. Sorry about the hysterics.”

  “Oh no you don’t. Those hysterics mean my Johnny is in good hands with you. I can’t tell you how pleased I am about that.” He pulled his phone out. “Now, excuse me one moment.” He turned and walked a few steps forward and gave instructions to somebody on the other end. In less than a minute, he had my world back in order with a limo and an escort on its way. “I’d accompany you myself dear, but I must go see about Johnny and straighten this out.”

  My heart lurched. “Oh God, yes, go. Hurry.”

  He gave a little bow and turned and left. I followed him and locked the damn door this time.

  Chapter Eleven

  Not thirty minutes later, the doorbell blonged and in strolled a mobile movie star wagon with staff. For the next thirty minutes, I felt like Misses Potato Head having all her parts changed out for Cinderella ones. And I was gorgeous! Floor length, glittering red gown slit halfway up my right leg, hair up on the sides with the rest spiraling in ringlets! And there were even matching ruby gems throughout and rubies dangling from my ears and hugging my neck! Matching red lipstick and dainty pumps adorned with, surprise, surprise, rubies. They had to pull me away from the mirror, I couldn’t stop staring and thinking, Wow, am I really that beautiful?

  Thought sure I’d vomit on the way into this huge fancy glass building with the giant half open blinds across the entire front. The name Sotheby’s sat above the row of glass entrance doors, just below an array of flags representing other countries.

  Please Lord don’t let me puke, whatever you do, just keep my food in my stomach, I beg you.

  I had never been more eager to sit. Third row, fourth seat. Dammit, what if I needed to run out for air? I should’ve taken one of my anxiety meds.