Akira Tong for Christmas Page 6
I turned over. Where’d he go? I wrapped the towel around me and couldn’t believe my eyes when I walked into the living room. It was daylight!
I stood there having a potent WTF moment.
“Good morning.”
I yelped and spun at his husky voice on my right. “What… How…”
“Told you you’d fall asleep.” He glided past me in only jeans and a million miles of sex appeal.
“How on earth did you do that?”
He chuckled lightly. “Secret.”
“Well…that’s…a very stupid secret,” I said, exasperated.
He let out a hearty laugh. “Get dressed. We have places to go and things to do.” He hit me with serious eyes and lifted a finger. “One day,” he reminded me.
Excitement fluttered through me, taking the edge off my sexual frustration. So many things I’d dreamed of doing in New York at Christmastime. And to think I’d spend it with my Asian-god boss. Who somehow put me to sleep while popping my cherry with one finger. My stomach flipped, fluttered, and filled with lava.
He walked over with a cup and handed it to me.
I took it. “Thank you. I should be getting your tea.”
He gave a where’d-you-get-that-idea smile. I took the cup, smiled back, and lost my towel.
Panicked, I sloshed burning coffee on my wrist, dropped the cup and myself to the floor, only he’d done the exact same, so I found myself face-to-face with him for a brief second before he spun away. “Are you burned?”
“I’m such a dummy. Not bad. I’m decent,” I said, wrapped tightly.
He turned. “Where?”
“Oh, it barely got me. My wrist.”
He pulled me to the kitchen, turned on the water, and held my hand under it. I bit my lower lip to keep my ridiculously happy smile back. So he was a freaking sweetheart to the core. It was hard resisting him when he was an asshole, and now… My God, I was going to rape this man, surely. Gosh, I bet those lips felt amazing. Would they feel full on mine? Mmm, I was thinking yes.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked.
I tore my gaze from his chest. “Nothing.”
He smiled. “Looked like something. You have a clue where you want to go today?” The question brought back that giddy excitement. “Have you ever ice-skated?” His single chuckle came with that dimple. “I’ve had lessons.”
“Oh, wow, good. You can keep me from killing myself.”
Surprise etched his brows. “You’ve never ice-skated?”
I focused on his soft but firm fingers on my hand, wondering how long he was going to stand there holding my hand under the water. “I’ve skated, but not on ice.” I wiped the drops of coffee off the left side of his chest. He flinched. I recalled how he’d seemed to enjoy putting his finger inside me. At least the sounds he made said so.
“You work out a lot, I see.” Laaame. “Your…chest is…soft. I mean, it’s surprisingly soft on—over your…hard muscles.”
He grinned at me for a second. “I used to work out faithfully.”
“It really shows. You’re…” God, I can’t say that.
How clueless was he about himself? “Hard to believe you don’t realize how gorgeous you are.” He angled a half smile at me. “I suspected.”
I laughed. “You suspected? How many women did it take lusting after you to figure that out?”
Excitement and pain skittered through me. “A girlfriend?”
He gave barely a smile. “Maybe.”
“Oh. Bet she’s pretty.”
He shook his head. “More like beautiful. Out of my league, really.” I snorted past the stab of pain. “That’s not possible, Akira. I think you’re the most gorgeous man I’ve ever met.”
He shut the water off and examined my wrist, cradling my hand in his large one while I died to know what he was thinking, who this girl was, where she was, and how I might steal him from her. Goose bumps covered my body when he slid his fingers over the red area.
“You call this barely getting you?” He presented the red blotch to me.
“Wow. Didn’t feel that bad. At first.” He was sure touching me a lot. Was that on purpose? What a transformation in him. Ever since last night… Those personal problems must’ve really been weighing heavy. He was a totally different man. I didn’t think he could get any sexier, but seeing that light in his eyes and those lips smiling…dimples teasing more and more… Ugh, I was going to die.
“You better get dressed. Bundle up if we’re going to be outside a lot.”
“Okay, yeah.”
“Would you like to eat breakfast here?”
Heat filled my cheeks. “Sure, sounds nice.”
His voice was this current of honey, oozing through my body and always ending between my legs.
He put his hands on my shoulders and turned me. “That way.” His fingers slid off, but almost like they didn’t want to.
“Before I dress, you could…finish my massage.” My heart thundered in my throat, and I clenched my eyes shut, glad he couldn’t see my face.
I followed his rippling body that walked around me and out of the kitchen. “And put you to sleep again?”
I swallowed my pulse. “You didn’t…have to put me to sleep.” Oh God, I sounded desperate!
His steps slowed to a stop, but he didn’t turn. “Yes. I did.” He disappeared around the corner, and I gulped air. What did that mean? Yes, he had to put me to sleep because…because…he would do too much—that was what his tone sounded like. Why didn’t he want to do too much? I’d gained too much ground with him to feel the pain of the rejection. Something was happening between us, and that was enough. I couldn’t push. But I would bring up that massage again.
If I couldn’t have it, I’d sure talk about having it.
An hour later, I was bundled. Like an overstuffed baked potato. How sexy. I had to find a way to do something that got our clothes off. I felt a mile away from him. I needed to smell him, see him, and God, touch that rock wrapped in silk. Ice-skating seemed like the worst idea now. Wonder if I could get him drunk. Oh my God, I was losing it. What was wrong with me?
Ice-skating would require him to touch me. Plus I really wanted to ice-skate, for once in my life. At Christmastime in New York. I mean, that was one of my dreams. ’Course, I was such a lovely skater in my dream, fluid and full of grace.
Breakfast out of the way, we headed to the frozen pond at the famous Bryant Park. “I’m so nervous,” I said, my jaw shaking.
“Are you cold?”
I looked up at him with an excited grin and shook my head. “I’m good. Just nervous. What if I fall?”
“You won’t.”
“So confident.”
“I’ll hold you.”
I laughed, giddy at the idea. “Then you’ll likely fall with me.”
“I doubt that.”
“’Cause you’re so strong?” I snickered at his eye roll. “You are. And sexy. Where is this woman that likes you anyway?” I looked all around teasingly.
“You want to meet her?” He sounded surprised.
“Not really. I just want to see her.”
He chuckled. “Let’s get this over with. I have a surprise for you after this.” A surprise? “For real? What is it?”
I pouted. “Fine, let’s hurry. Now I can’t wait!” I pulled him by the hand, and five minutes later, he was helping me stand on ice skates for the first time. “I need to feel your hand,” I said, terrified.
We took off our gloves and stuffed them in our pockets. Akira held my hand tightly. God, so big and warm and safe. I held his just as tight. “Ready?” he asked.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Okay, let’s go. Slowly at first.”
I took my first steps. “Oh. Oh. Feels kinda like…skinny Rollerblades?”
Wow, I was a natural at t
his. Five minutes was all it took. “Okay, let go of my hand.”
“Are you sure?”
“Not really. But feels okay.”
“I’ll stay close.”
“Yes, please.”
Another few minutes, and I was really doing well. I laughed. “Look at me! My God, I’m ice-skating.” Giddy joy tickled through me at seeing the rare, genuine smile on his face. “You’re really good at this.”
I checked out the other skaters. “Wow, that dude is amazing,” I watched said guy spin in the air and skate superfast. “How awesome to be able to do that!”
“Eh, he’s a show-off,” Akira muttered, watching.
I laughed. “You’re just jealous.”
“Maybe.” He gave me one of those half grins that revealed a side of him he kept well hidden.
“God, you are so gorgeous.” I laughed and covered my mouth. “Sorry. I can’t help it. Women must bang your door down in Japan, right?” I was dead serious.
He rolled his eyes, but more like, You have no idea.
“You don’t like all the attention?” I didn’t get that part.
“No. I hate it, actually. Everybody thinks I’m Mr. Japan and I can have any woman I want.”
“Well, you can. It’s true.” My breaths came in puffs of vapor as I got more comfortable on the blades.
“But they think I have had every woman.”
I sucked in my breath. “Oh. I didn’t consider that. They all think you’re a slut. When really you’re just an innocent virgin?” I teased, skating up to him and holding his arm.
I’d have sworn he blushed. “Yes, something like that.”
“I’m sorry. I know what it’s like to have people think bad things of you and there’s nothing you can do to fix it. It sucks donkey balls.”
He busted out laughing. “Donkey balls?” His face screwed up. “That’s disgusting.”
“Sorry, you’re seeing my raw side. I’m really no proper lady, I’m afraid.”
“It happens to be one of the things I like about you.”
My heart skipped a beat. He liked me. “Really?”
He lowered his head and shook it, then angled a grin at me. “I like that you’re not afraid to be yourself. That’s admirable. And brave.”
Huh. “I never thought of it like that. I don’t know how to be any other way. Pretending to be a proper lady is, phew.” Torture was what it was. “A lot of work for me.”
“You’re doing fine.”
“I am?”
He chuckled and narrowed his gaze. “You have no self-confidence, though.”
“This is so true.”
“And you know your weaknesses. That’s a strength.”
Point for point. “I’m just an all-around superwoman.”
“Yes, you are.”
God, he really meant that. I heard it right there in his tone—he really meant it. “I don’t know where you’re seeing all this, but…I’m glad you see it.” So hard to hide that thrill. “I am getting awesome at this skating, though. Wow, I’m really doing it.”
Like a blur, the superfast dude came flying out of nowhere.
“Sarah!” Akira yelled.
Too late. Mr. Olympics plowed dead into me. I was airborne one second, then staring into the gray sky the next, unable to breathe with pain shooting through my head and ass. Akira’s face was above me.
The man was even cute terrified. For me. I caught my breath. “I’m okay,” I groaned.
He snapped his head up. “You stupid son of a bitch! You busted her nose. I’m going to kill you if it’s broken.”
He cared that much?
“I’m so sorry.” The guy gasped.
Poor guy. “It’s okay. I’m fine.”
Akira carefully lifted me. “I got you. Try not to move too much,” he said. “God, so much blood.” He took off his scarf and held it to my nose, tilting my head down and pinching the bridge. He pulled me close and supported the side of my body with his. “Stay like that for a second until it stops. Do you hurt anywhere?”
I focused on my body parts. “My butt…for sure.”
“I’m surprised your spine didn’t shatter. The bastard plowed into you going fifty miles an hour,” he growled.
I laughed. “Yeah, I know. I was a bird there for a second, flying. Guess that means you can’t give me my surprise?”
His chin touched my temple. “I need to get you to a hospital and make sure nothing’s broken.” Hospital? Images of them somehow finding out my identity panicked me. “No, no, please don’t. Just take me to the room. I’ll check me. Please don’t make me go to the hospital. I beg you.” He sighed. “Maybe a hot soak will do you good. We’ll order in, and I’ll make it up to you.”
“It’s not your fault, but yes, I love the idea of being…at the suite.” With you. Alone.
Chapter Seven
“Ohh, my ass!” I limped through the doorway as Akira finished a phone call in the hallway. It hurt worse than ever now. A minute later he came in with the most horrible look.
“What’s wrong? Is your family okay?” I asked.
He stared at me for several seconds, not seeing, peering at whatever had him in shock, it seemed.
His brows furrowed a little, and he snapped himself out of what was obviously so wrong.
“A hot soak will help that. Here, sit carefully.”
“Oh, I am.”
He disappeared and returned in a few minutes with some pills and water. I took them without even asking what they were. Which was odd because I was paranoid when it came to medication. He turned and poured me a little wine.
“You trying to get me drunk?”
“No,” he mumbled, handing me the glass. “Trying to kill your pain. No driving for you, that’s for sure. A little wine with this painkiller won’t hurt you.”
“Okay.” What was wrong with him? He sounded terrible.
He knelt before me and stared, appearing guilty and helpless. “Very sorry, Sarah.” Sorry for what exactly? “It’s not your fault. You can just buy me supper. I’m starving.”
“I’ll order as soon as you’re in the tub. Okay, let’s go.”
“Oh!” I latched on to his neck as he picked me up like a baby. “Or you can carry me. That works.
Mmm, God, you smell so good.” He angled me through the bathroom door. “You really do know how to drive a woman crazy.”
Then he just stood by the tub with me, holding me. My breath froze when I met his gaze head-on.
What had I done wrong? “What?” I whispered.
He rolled his eyes and stood me up. “Nothing.”
“Fine. You stink, and I hate you. There, is that better? Jeez.”
“Can you get undressed?”
I thought a moment, pursing my lips. “Not really sure.” I pulled my arms out of my sleeves while Akira averted his gaze to the floor. I managed to get the sweater over my head. “So far, so good. The pants may be another issue.”
The second I began working them over my hips, a slight pain shot through my tailbone. I held my breath, and his gaze snapped up. And riveted on my breasts.
Oh God, did he like what he saw? I’d worn the red-lace bra—nearly sheer—with matching panties. I swallowed, not moving, knowing he could see my large nipples. My sister spent several years assuring me guys loved my kind of nipples. Plump and juicy was what they called them. If she wasn’t lying.
He dropped to his knees and helped me work the pants down. I winced a little when he lifted my legs out of them. The medicine and wine had kicked in—I could tell—but the fear of pain had me tense.
He looked up at me, the concern on his face soon melting with…oh yes, desire. His gaze raked over me, stopping at my red panties. He latched his fingers on to the sides and began to lower them. I watched his expression. His lips were parted, and his eyes were closed. My God, how sweet. Such discipline and respect.
In that instant I realized I didn’t just want him—I needed him. Needed him to be mine. My heart raced. I
didn’t just want to have sex with him. I wanted to be with him, hold him, comfort him, make him smile and laugh.
The man clearly had some amazing scruples he didn’t want to violate. Was it that other woman? I didn’t want him to do anything that would bring him guilt. “There’s a towel behind you.” He quickly handed it to me without peeking. I wrapped up in it. “I’m decent.” He let out a breath of relief. Disappointment crashed through me. “I can do this. You are obviously not comfortable with it.” I swooned a little, and he caught me with his chest.
“Maybe a bath isn’t such a good idea,” he murmured.
“Lay with me? I’m tired.”
He lifted me in his arms, and I laid my head on his shoulder. I wished I could stay there, just like that. He set me on the bed and pulled the covers down, then lifted me again and placed me exactly in the middle.
I raised an arm toward him. He lay next to me, but I needed his naked torso. I pulled up the hem of his shirt, signaling to him I wanted it off.
“I can’t.”
I froze. “Why?”
“Because…I can’t control myself with you.”
I shook my head. “So don’t.”
He got up on an elbow and looked down at me. He slid his finger along my face, making my heart ache with need. And then, right in the middle of his contemplation, I saw him make the decision. His fingers gently captured my jaw, and he leaned in. His breath warmed my mouth as he lingered inches away. He had to be the one to do this. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.
He jerked away and sat on the edge of the bed with his back to me.
Pain stabbed my heart like an electric cattle prod. I shot out of the bed and cried out, forgetting my injury. He spun around and hurried to help me. “Get. Away. From me.” I could hardly believe how much his rejection hurt.
I growled my way to my feet. He stood before me and held my shoulders. “You don’t get it.”
“I get it. I fucking get it, okay? You don’t want me. You’ve been trying to tell me this—” A sob cut off my words.
He pulled me to him, and his lips were on mine.
I broke away. “No! I don’t want your fucking pity, you bastard. Don’t put your lips on me. Don’t fucking put your lips on me,” I screamed at him.
He captured my face and held tight. “My father…wants me to marry. For money. I don’t even like her. It wasn’t enough that I give up my life for him. Now I have to give up my heart.” I froze. “You’re…engaged?”